Monday 29 June 2015

ARCH1101 Exp 3 - Final Submission: The Bridge

Experiment 3: The Bridge

SketchUp Model:

Dropbox Link:

The Bridge: UNSW School of Architecture


Lecture Theatre

Studio Spaces
On the first level

On the top level

Academic Staff Offices/Research Space for Staff/Meeting Space
Academic Offices next to outdoor walkway. General Staff Offices and a public meeting room can be seen above it

Office/Research space face south on Anzac Parade

Meeting spaces for staff

General Staff Offices

Floating Workshop

Computer Labs
Computer Lab 1

Computer Lab 2

Raised walls

Lowered walls

Lowered walls along with lower level transforms a section of the outdoor walkway
into an outdoor, temporary gallery space or public venue

Meeting Spaces (for both Students & Staff)


The Moving Elements

The Floating Workshop

'The bridge is full of implied meanings...'
The floating workshop seeks to fully immerse students and patrons in the experience of viewing the UNSW campus and the surrounding Kensington area from a new perspective. For architecture students that will make use of this space, it is hoped that this unique experience will allow them to better understand their current surroundings. It is through this experience that students may achieve unique creative inspirations.

The Outdoor Gallery

'Ornament and function go together'
'The a communications medium as much as a connector'
Due to the limited space that was available within the confines of this structure, I sought to find ways to better utilise any available space and make them as 'flexible' as possible. The outdoor walkway that directly connects to NIDA was the best choice to situate this particular moving element. Being fundamentally, a bridge to connect the main UNSW campus to NIDA, I also intended to create an experience for anyone that walked across the bridge. 

With the possibility of the building to be primarily a place of transition - where people are constantly moving in and out, it was essential that a unique experience was created, and that people did not feel that they were merely crossing over another 'regular' bridge. In turn, the whole building is intended to be viewed as a form of art installation in itself. In particular, as you walk through the outdoor walkway (especially if an exhibition was on), and catch glimpses of the floating workshop or the floating library, a sensory experience is intended to be invoked.

Textures used in building

ARCH1101 Exp 3 Update 4: Full integration of all moving elements & final draft

'Webbing' feature between one of the floating platforms (Library)
 and the main structure.

The final touches have been added to the overall structure of the building.

The addition of the 'webbed' roofing features that is situated between one of the floating platforms and the main structure, as well as above the outdoor walkway has been influenced by the hanging platform of the One Central Park building, designed by Jean Nouvel.
One Central Park - Jean Nouvel (2013)
As can be observed, the platform has been constructed in such a way that it seems to 'hang' in the air. 

'Webbing' feature placed over the outdoor walkway
In the same vein as the 'hanging' platform of One Central Park, it is intended that the 'feature' that is included in my structure will help in creating a 'floating' quality (similar to the effect of the floating platforms), and also, a sense of weightlessness.

ARCH1101 Exp 3 Update 3: Homage

Recently, I have attempted to add columns and have begun to experiment with the choices of materials. 

Once again, I have been influenced by more of Mies Van der Rohe's buildings, and have specifically added these columns as a homage to the aesthetic design of his 'Crown Hall Building' that acts as the School of Architecture building at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Crown Hall Building, School of Architecture, Illinois Institute of Technology - Mies Van der Rohe (1956)

ARCH1101 Exp 3 Moving Element: The Outdoor Gallery

The Pulley system, influenced by Tom Kundig's system used in his gallery space in The Silicon Valley.

I have decided not to include the wheels as it seems to break the flow of the structure's emphasis on the use of straight lines.

This element will be situated along the outdoor walkway that connects to NIDA. The element will feature walls that can be lowered. Once lowered it will transform a section of the walkway into a new space, and can be subsequently used as an outdoor venue or as an outdoor gallery space for temporary exhibitions.
When needed, the walls will be lowered to transform the space.

ARCH1101 Exp 3 Update 2: New Additions

More changes have been made to the overall design of the structure, including the addition of more levels. 

ARCH1101 Exp 3 Moving Element: The Floating Workshop

The Floating Workshop

This is the first of two movable elements that I hope to integrate with the overall structure. Previously, I have stated my desire for two 'floating' platforms that will cling on to the sides of the overall structure. Now, I have decided to experiment with the effect of the capability of moving one of these platforms.

The 'Floating' Workshop will sit on a simple railing system

A close up of the railing system

The railing system will transport the structure along the sides of the building

The individual parts of the railing system